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Welcome To The Painting With Acrylics 101 Blog

My Goal - Help as many beginners as I can!

I Am SOOO Glad You’re Here!!!

The website update has gone great and I have now created a blog you will see here.  I will eventually close my Fine Nature Art by S. L. Graves down, and this will be the one place for getting all the great art info and lessons you have come to enjoy.

Home page hero

I hope you’re going to look around my new and improved website and if you’ve been on here before not only will you see the new blog, but you will also see more single subject classes available and you will also see a the Beginner’s Painting Club.

The Beginner’s Painting Club was born out of my interest in seeing beginning artists get a good foundation under them and have increased success in their art.  When I first started learning how to paint, I spent thousands of dollars on lessons that were worth it to me.  But I honestly feel like some instruction is extremely necessary and helpful, but doesn’t have to be so cost prohibitive.

The Beginner’s Painting Club is extremely affordable and will help you learn the fundamentals of art, the elements of art that are in every type of paint and then specific painting classes.

Click HERE to learn more and get on the waiting list for when the Beginner’s Painting Club opens again.  It does not obligate you to purchase anything, I will just let you know when the club opens.  It only opens 3 times a year and for a week at a time.  You as a member, have access to it year round.

I teach beginning artists by choice because I remember how hard it was to get started when I first began learning how to paint.  I break down every concept and lesson so you can see and understand and you will have the option to replay and listen as many times as you’d like.

In the Beginner’s Painting Club the lessons will be available on a rolling basis.  What I mean by that is you will always have access to the most recent three months of lessons and as new months come on, past months will drop out.  Some foundation lessons will always remain in the Beginner’s Painting Club so at any given time you will have complete access to at least three months of the freshest painting lessons and all the foundation lessons as they come on.

Click HERE to get on a waiting list for information when the Beginner’s Painting Club opens again.

The Full Blown Art Course will still be available because I think it is also an excellent choice particularly for those people who might want to work at a faster pace on the nine instructional modules and the two painting modules.  If you’re just eaten up with learning how to paint, you just might want to dive right into the Full Blown Art Course where you will have life time access and will be able to keep moving forward in a logical order as you learn how to paint.  It is currently available for $179.00 but that price will be increasing this year.  The Full Blown Art Course compares to about nine months in the Painter Nation Members Club, but you have lifetime access to all the lessons.

There are also many single subject classes that are extremely affordable and what sets them apart from other tutorials is I do everything in real time.  You see every single stroke of a particular painting.  You have a supply list of what I used to make the painting.  These single subject classes are created with your success in mind.

Look everything over and decide what is best for you, and if receiving this weekly blog is enough for you right now, then that’s great too.

So anyway, that’s it for today.

I am so glad to have this opportunity to offer you this weekly blog for beginning artists.

Let’s paint together real soon.


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